Replica Blata Elite 13
Was?? Ergibt keinen Sinn was du da schreibst. Über was wunderst du dich??
Ach und der Wasserpumpenriemen in dem Chinamotor fehlt übrigends ....
gruß CNC-Tec -
if I put this post in another department ??
This is a Replica Bike - no Blata.
Watch the Waterpump, the rubber belt is missing.§ 146 PbGB:- Wer Pocketbikes nachmacht oder verfälscht, oder nachgemachte oder verfälschte sich verschafft und in Verkehr bringt, ist ein Chinese.
I know it is a replica. new belt already in place. and I have in my first pocket C1 h2o engine blata, and i think about the translation engine to replica blata 13 frame.
What do You think ?? -
But the Elite is much smaller - a matter of your personal preference.§ 146 PbGB:- Wer Pocketbikes nachmacht oder verfälscht, oder nachgemachte oder verfälschte sich verschafft und in Verkehr bringt, ist ein Chinese.
Welcome. Pocket was painted bearings and screws replaced, radiator repaired. looks good and I'm happy that I did everything myself. I have yet to earn some extra seat and will be ok.
some pictures of my work.
Hi from were do you got the waterpumpe Rubber belt?
Take a look at his profile. This user was last online in 2013. .....
mfg CNC -
Danke für diese Information.
there are several reliable vendors available online for rubber products. here is Metro Rubber, one of them.
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